Dr Brad Wolf Interviews Veteran Crossfit expert, Andy Hendel from CrossFit Charlotte

What is Crossfit? And is it for you? 🤔🏋️‍♂️ If you’re looking for the right workout but are unsure of where to begin, listen to this interview with veteran Crossfit expert and retired NFL pro,  Andy Hendel from Crossfit Charlotte! Home town: Rochester NY Education: Animal Science NC State University graduate 1983 Athletic Career: Walk-on…

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Interview with Ms. Aly Faber aka The Stretch Lady

 When it comes to maximizing physical and mental potential, Aly Faber is your secret weapon to success. With over 15 years of expert testing and development, she offers a world class online training program that maximizes athletic performance in minimum time. Her goal is to create better, stronger, and more mobile individuals whether it be…

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